Monday, June 22, 2009

Let's Get Together

Watching Parent Trap last night reminded me of what it was like watching this as a little girl. That powerful moment when you realize that there's only one Halley Mills. Movie magic had me believe that she had a twin. She does not!

Even as a little girl, I felt a certain twang of sadness upon realizing this fact. They looked like they had so much fun together! I remember my dad explaining the use of trick photography to me. Much to my protesting, I wasn't able to reason out why Hollywood could do such a thing.

Even though I would go on to watch Parent Trap over and over, I somehow couldn't quite jump that hurdle of acceptance. Wasn't Halley Mills totally depressed at the end of this film realizing she didn't have a twin who was also her best friend? I would've been.

Thanks, Hollywood. I'm going to go talk to myself in the mirror now. Try that duet on for size.

1 comment:

Ryan Green said...

Oh man, I know exactly how you felt/feel. It is a combination of awe and sadness - of peppermint and pipe tobacco. My sister and I must have watched our taped-from-tv version of this movie 300 times. We still quote from it. Whenever I'm in the woods I like to smack two branches together to scare away the bears.