Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Heightened Fear of Cats

I've always been a bit skittish around cats. You just don't know what they're thinking. From the whole "jump at any time" thing to the fact that they can claw you without notice.

I had quite a lovable cat named Toonces when I was little. She acted more like a dog than a cat. She cried at the door when she wanted to go to the bathroom. She would play fetch with bouncy balls. She slept at the foot of my bed and sat on my brother's shoulder when he'd walk around the house. Toonces was the best cat ever until it drank antifreeze out of my neighbor's car and we had to put her down. Forgive me if I'm bitter. No cat can compare to Toonces.

So I've put a wall around my pet-loving heart when it comes to cats. They're just so unpredictable. Not to mention haughty! I have to work for your affection? This is boring.

Last night I dreamt of a school for Cats with Disabilities. Only the point of view I was seeing it from, was behind the camera as this was apparently a fun-loving news report of this amazing school for Cats with Disabilities.

"Over here we have Mr. Whiskers." Mr. Whiskers had spikes coming out of his skin.
"Let's not forget Goggles." Goggles the cat had human eye balls.
"And how 'bout that Oscar?" Oscar sweat human sweat.

I woke up a bit terrified. I'm always a bit on edge when I know there's a cat around. Unless it's willing to forgo its feigned modesty and jump into my lap for a nap, I'm not willing to let go of the thought that this cat could possibly kill me. I've grossly underestimated this fear until my unconscious brain had me visualize them....with spikes.

Beware, humans. We don't know what they're thinking for a reason.

1 comment:

Justin Shaddix said...

Toonces...wait...isn't that the cat who could drive a car???!

If I were an art student, my Spring Final project would be mosaic made of tune fish cans and yarn depicting your dream.