Tuesday, April 14, 2009

If Hospitals Were Run Like Airplanes

Good Morning, America has a tendency to show the same things over and over again. Take for instance the plane crashing into the Hudson. They love this clip. Just about every week, they have some new take on this event.

This week, for example, was about how hospitals should be run more like airplanes. That airplanes are so efficient and everyone has to be quick to act on their feet. Basically, that doctors need to be running a tight ship. I thought this was hilarious, as I imagined what they were going to compare it to next week. Maybe how Obama should be more aviation-minded.

So, back when I thought I was going to die, I went to the doctor a lot. My claims of dizziness for no reason led doctors to believe I had low blood pressure, low blood sugar, pregnancy or that I was capable of seizures... The latest, in interesting things to rule out, happened to by Lymes Disease. Okay, fine. Rule that out too. I don't recall any fraternizing with ticks, but fine. Do what you gotta do.

This was months ago and shortly after, I began to receive bills for this test. My new insurance, not having been fully kicked in at the time of the appointment, was then instated and was going to be retroactive before the time of the appointment. So I began filling out forms to file, and sending them back in. Only I'd get another one. Thinking I was just getting duplicates, I'd fill it out again and send it back.

I get a notice that says that I might be in danger of being sent to a debt collector. I call them this morning to find out what's been going on.

"Well, we haven't received anything from you."
"I've sent in this information twice now."
"Well, we don't have anything. Where did you send it?"
"I sent it to Mt. Sinai hospital, where the addressed envelope in which you provided me guided me along."
"Well, I'm the only one who opens them and I haven't received anything from you."
"So you mean to tell me that not only have you not received your self-addressed envelope in which I mailed, apparently just to you, but you haven't received two of them?"
"And not only have you not received them, but now I have two pieces of mail floating out in cosmos with all of my personal information and signature on?"

I almost went into debt over a test for Lymes Disease. Really? A tick bite?
I live in New York City. I can't even remember the last time I saw a fucking tree.
Are you kidding me?

Hospitals really should take a note from Captain Sullenberger. I'd trust my life and threat of impending debt with Sully any day of the week.

1 comment:

joshcon80 said...

Reason number 1 zillion for Universal Health care.