Friday, April 3, 2009

What Of It?

Apparently the movie Twilight left an impression, for I found myself standing in Barnes and Noble yesterday searching for the series in paperbook.

Fiction? Nope.
New Fiction? Hmm.
Mystery? That's weird.
Sci-Fi? Still, no.

I do a computer search....
Teen Fiction.

Teen. Fiction.

That's not the sad part. I bought the first two books in the series only to discover there were two more. The next question I asked myself, "Do I just buy the box set?"

I felt a certain degree of shame and disgust at my ways while walking out of the store, the cover pressed to myself as to not illustrate that I was purchasing said books.

Try reading a 400 page teen romance novel on the L train. Difficult. Yet I press on... These Vampires aren't going to bite themselves.

Wait, that didn't make any sense.

1 comment:

Justin Shaddix said...

Blarg! I just don't know what to say to you. I can't believe how lame you are!

so...can I borrow book one when you're done with it?