Monday, October 13, 2008


I sat up last night watching West Side Story and now I want to live in 1960's New York... apparently there was a lot of dancing.

If only present day New York warlords were fashionable and spry and used phrases like "Boom-Da-Boom!" or would occasionally kick their leg up and shout, "Wacko-Jack-o!" I'm fairly certain after viewing this film that more things would get done if we only worked out our frustrations with society through the power of dance.

I realize present day New York is filled with the corrupt Officer Crupke types who need to keep a clean beat. But at the same time, there are an equal amount of youths just trying to make their way through the world who seem to say, "We are here! We are colorful! We carry a lively step!"

I'm going to try this maneuver today. I'll let you know how it works out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My look for Spring a few years ago was West Side Story inspired. Skinny gray or white jeans, simple keds, bright solid colored tee or gray sweat shirt.

It was hot.