Thursday, October 30, 2008

Infomercial My Heart

Anyone see Obama's 30 minute informerical last night? I wasn't able to catch it, (as I was knee-deep in red shiny foam and glue guns...Halloween is tomorrow, yo). I did see it online this morning and yes, I did cry at work.

I don't know if it was the swelling music, the slow motion stills of hard-working Americans receiving heartfelt hugs from Obama or the arthritic wife sitting at home while her 74 year old husband pulls himself out of retirement to go work at Wal-Mart. But I found myself quietly crying at my desk.

I've already said it. Anyone reading this is probably already a friend of mine and I know all of my friends are voting. It's not just about voting that I'm writing about, it's not the need for Americans to pledge their support to a winning cause. It's that America needs change. This country has slipped and has continued to slip. I'm not blaming Bush. I'm not blaming Reagan or any other President who's made a mess of things. I'm not blaming our forefathers who founded this constitution. I'm blaming us, I'm blaming the present and I'm blaming everyone who can't stand up and admit that things are all wrong. Things are terribly wrong.

Seeing this infomercial, which was not enlightening and was not life changing, made me cry because of how real it was. Mothers sending their sons and daughters to a pointless war. Grandmother's unable to afford medication. Fathers unable to provide for their family. This is my family. These are my friends. This is the world we live in. We have to change this.

If you support change, if you support anything positive for this country, make your vote count.

(And if you don't want to have people seeing you cry, don't watch this at work.)

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