Friday, August 8, 2008

The Annie Halls of Brooklyn

I watched Annie Hall last night. Whenever you begin to question the value of cinema, you should probably go watch this movie.

Throughout the movie, I was thinking, "Man, I love Diane Keaton's outfits." And the more I was watching, the more I was noticing how much she looks like every single girl in Brooklyn.

Tangled hair, big sunglasses, vests, scarves, belted dresses.... Annie Hall is alive and well in this Borough. Not just her, but Woody Allen. Check out those duds. There isn't a male roaming Bedford Ave. that does not have a pair of khaki slacks and a plaid shirt. Perhaps a nice tweed jacket and coke bottle glasses?

Perhaps I'm generalizing. After all, I haven't owned a vest since the 3rd grade. As stated in another entry, I'm no fashionista. In fact, most of my wardrobe consists of t-shirts I can't seem to relinquish. It takes effort to have a style, thus making me a lazy dresser.

Well la de da, thanks for making it look so easy.

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