Ever notice a clear difference in the way we enjoy film from the 80's and the way we enjoy it now? I mean, they just went for it back then. Drugs, sex, cursing, violence... All sense of PC-ness just went out the window.
I can remember watching Arachnophobia in Day Care. (1990, but you can see where I'm going with this.) I watched Weird Science at a Lock-In and even at that young age, I felt like I was doing something naughty. While watching the Last Dragon with my friend Dave last week, it put some things into perspective about the differences between cinema of the 80's and cinema of today.
1) The Last Dragon: New York City was quite a different place back then. There is a clear lack of kidnapping and wandering into abandoned factories to have Ninja fights that is absent from the New York City we find ourselves in today.
2) Weird Science: High School students create a human from a computer.
3) Dirty Dancing: Even talented dancers like Penny wind up getting pregnant from doucebags like Robby and having illegal abortions in their cabins.
4) Just One of the Guys: Picnicking in abandoned caves at night. Students who bring in snakes to school. Gym teachers who do surprise jock strap checks.
5) The Explorers: Middle School students build a rocket ship to another planet and find Aliens who enjoy watching television from the 40's.
6) The Peanut Butter Solution: Horrifying.
7) Goonies: A group of boys are chased underground until they find an abandoned pirate ship full of skeletons. A deformed man who likes candy bars saves the day.
8) Heathers: Hello...Teen Suicide?
9)Labyrinth: Goblins steal a girl's baby brother and she's forced to befriend trolls and brave the Bog of Eternal Stench while the Goblin King threatens her life. What?
10) Little Monsters: Don't crawl under your bed, or you'll find yourself in an underground world run by monsters. Seriously?
I don't know how we're all reasonably okay these days.
1 comment:
I love you.
I thought for years, YEARS, that "The Peanut Butter Solution" had only been a dream I had. Imagine my horror when an acquaintance in college brought it up casually in a conversation.
By the way, do you remember that a teenage Celine Dion sang the theme song? Here's the video:
Don't ever say I never gave you anything.
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