Thursday, August 21, 2008

You've Been Eating Falafel's Without Me?

Funny story that I was reminded of today whilst enjoying a tasty falafel.

A few months ago, Greg and I were in the city wondering what to have for dinner. The conversation went something like this:

Greg: Sushi...Indian...Middle Eastern... oh wait, you don't like falafel's.
Katie: Me? I like falafel's.
Greg: You do? I never thought you did, so I never suggested it.
Katie: Have you been suppressing your falafel desires around me?
Greg: I...well, I eat them a lot.
Katie: What's a lot?
Greg: Like...2 or 3 times a week.
Katie: You eat 2 or 3 falafel's a week?! How have I never known this?
Greg: Well, I never thought you liked them.
Katie: I thought I knew you.

Greg also thought that Starburst's Disco Berry flavor was a limited time creation and thought he'd surprise me with a found sleeve of them. I had to admit to him that they were in the vending machine at work and I'd been eating them all the time. That was the day that Disco Berry lost that ring to it...sucking the magic right out of his heart.

It's a sad, sad day when you have to reveal your secret food habits to your special someone. It's best to get everything out on the table...'cause....get it?....Table...with the....and the....

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